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National Register of Public Service Interpreters

NRPSI is the UK’s independent voluntary regulator of professional interpreters specialising in public service. We maintain a public register of professional, qualified and accountable interpreters. The National Register is free of charge to access and searchable online.

The need for defendants in court to be able to understand the proceedings, using an interpreter if necessary, was identified in the landmark R v Iqbal Begum Court of Appeal ruling which stated:

‘It is beyond the understanding of this court that it did not occur to someone that the reason for her [the defendant's] silence....... was simply because she was not being spoken to in a language which she understood.’

As a result, the 1993 Runciman Royal Commission on Criminal Justice recommended that a national register of qualified interpreters should be established with the aim of ‘using only interpreters with proven competence and skills, who are governed by a nationally recognised code of conduct’. NRPSI was established in 1994.

Every interpreter on our Register has met the standards that we set for education, training and practice in public service. All Registrants are subject to the NRPSI Code of Professional Conduct and we investigate allegations of professional misconduct.

Even today, parts of the public services are unaware of the need to use qualified interpreters. From the Serious Case Review following the death of Daniel Pelka, aged 5, in September 2013:

‘Without proactive or consistent action by any professional to engage with him via an interpreter, then his lack of language and low confidence would likely have made it almost impossible for him to reveal the abuse he was suffering at home.’

Using the National Register to find an interpreter ensures that you not only employ a qualified professional practitioner but that the interpreter can be held accountable should their conduct or competence fall below the high standards expected of a Registered Public Service Interpreter (RPSI).

There are around 1,700 interpreters in 100 languages on the National Register covering the whole of the UK. It is a dynamic database, with Registrants' details constantly being updated and new Registrants added.


Read this article in the recent issue of ITI's Bulletin on legal aid rates; click here for more

Yelena McCafferty MITI is an award-winning regulated and registered Russian translator and interpreter specialising in legal, financial and media matters . . .
Published:19 June 2024
Topic: General News
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Explore the latest agenda from NRPSI for the MOJ; click here to explore the issues

If you believe there is something missing, please email mike@nrpsi.org.uk . . .
Published:18 June 2024
Topic: General News
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URGENT: thebigword issues since the launch of the new system has led to loss of earnings for many

If you can show clear evidence of loss of earnings since 3rd June due to the implementation of the new system by thebigword, contact mojinvoicing@thebigword.com as well as copying Tracey Howson at Tracey.Howson@thebigword.com . . .
Published:18 June 2024
Topic: General News
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Message from TBW regarding current issues with the system; 'We have been working through system snags over the last couple of weeks and TBW have . . .

TBW encourages any interpreter still unable to use the new application effectively to reach out to TBW. Contact on linguist@thebigword.com . . .
Published:17 June 2024
Topic: General News
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Are you distraught about the lack of action by the NHS regarding improvements in language services? Click here to read more

Take action now. Send this document to the CEO of your local hospital Trust and to the CEO of your Primary Care Trust; keep up the lobbying and we will see improvements . . .
Published:16 June 2024
Topic: General News
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Professional Interpreters for Justice (PI4J) have prepared a manifesto to distribute to the new MPs and new Cabinet members after the 4th July . . .

Organisations pulling together to present the case for professional, qualified, regulated, Registered Public Service Interpreters; those proudly calling themselves RPSI . . .
Published:14 June 2024
Topic: General News
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NRPSI agenda for issues with HMCTS, including latest chaos caused by the introduction of tbw's new app; click here for more

If you have anything to add just send your thoughts to mike@nrpsi.org.uk . . .
Published:14 June 2024
Topic: General News
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Many Registrants have been proactive putting together this document with other interpreters regarding issues they are facing with thebigword; . . .

If you wish to add anything or just get in touch with them, in the first place contact mike@nrpsi.org.uk . . .
Published:14 June 2024
Topic: General News
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A mass court observation project which sat in on more than 1,100 hearings has reported that an interpreter was not provided in 104 of those cases; . . .

Defendants who needed interpreters were ‘some of the worst served by the court’, the report said . . .
Published:30 May 2024
Topic: General News
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Are you ready to advance your interpreting career beyond what you've imagined? DPSI Online asks you to click here

With the June 1st enrollment deadline fast approaching, this moment could be the turning point you've been looking for . . .
Published:30 May 2024
Topic: General News
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