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Searching the Register

The Register is a dynamic database which can be accessed from every page of this website. The Register can be used in two ways:

1) To check if an interpreter is registered

You can search for a specific interpreter either by registration number or by their name. All registered interpreters have a unique registration number which appears on their Photo ID Card.

2) To find an interpreter to employ

You can search for an interpreter to employ by first logging in (see FAQs for how to register as a Website User - it is free and quick). You then enter your required search criteria:

  • Language
  • First part of the postcode of location of the job


The search results are provided in strict distance order from the entered postcode, and list the first 50 registered interpreters for that language. There is a link on each Registrant's record to Google Maps which shows the route from the postcode entered to the centre of the first part of the Registrant's postcode (we do not reveal a Registrant's full postcode for privacy reasons).

You can enter the complete postcode of the location of the job for a more accurate distance listing. Note that distances are measured to the centre of the relevant postcode area. A link to the Royal Mail Postcode Finder facility is provided in case you are unsure of the postcode.

You can filter the results by security clearance held by the Registrants, by clicking on the drop-down menu and selecting the required clearance, before clicking on 'Search for Interpreter'. Most Registrants hold more than one type of security clearance. Note that the results produced by selecting Standard Disclosures from the drop-down list will include Registrants who hold Enhanced Disclosures.


Security Clearance

Note that NRPSI registration criteria require the Registrant to hold a valid security clearance. Those clearances accepted by NRPSI include Disclosures provided by the various government agencies in the UK. It should be understood that the Disclosure is a check carried out on the date of the certificate. It is accepted practice in public services to require a recheck after a set period. To conform to this, NRPSI's current policy is to require Registrants to provide a new Disclosure after five years, unless they have subscribed to the DBS Update service and provided NRPSI with consent to carry out update checks. The date of the Update check will then appear on the Registrant's record together with the date of the original DBS Certificate being checked.

Registrants provide NRPSI with an annual statement that they have not been convicted nor received a caution since their last renewal. Registrants also reconfirm each year that they abide by the NRPSI Code of Conduct, which places a duty on them to report unspent convictions to NRPSI. Failure to comply with this provision of the Code of Conduct is a disciplinary matter which would be viewed as a serious transgression.

It is the responsibility of the Principal engaging a Registrant (ie the employer) to make sure interpreters are appropriately security checked to work in their specific circumstances.

For more information please refer to the Security Clearance Information Sheet.


Further information under 'Show more Details'

If there is an orange 'Show more Details' showing at the top of a Registrant's record, it indicates that the Registrant has decided to provide more information about their record. This appears in a pop-up box after clicking on 'Show more Details'.

This additional information includes the Registrant's qualifications and CPD record, professional memberships and a free text area.

For all qualifications shown NRPSI will have seen and checked the original qualification certificate. The qualifications information shows the name of the qualification, the year and the awarding/examining body (for example 'IoL' for Institute of Linguists Educational Trust - recently renamed as CIOL Qualifications).

Note that the information provided by the Registrant in the free text area has not been verified by NRPSI.


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(First part of postcode)
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Reg. No.
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