MoJ Framework Agreement 24 February 2012
The National Register has noted with growing concern the apparent failures in the MoJ Framework Agreement and in particular the impact it is having on members of the public and interpreters. The reports which have appeared in the press of trials being cancelled and the concerns being raised with us by our registered interpreters are worrying.
Therefore the Board of Directors will be writing to the Ministry of Justice in the next few days to raise these concerns with them. A copy of this letter will also be placed on our web site.
We will also be asking representatives of interpreter^s membership bodies and trade unions to meet with us for a roundtable discussion on this issue.
There have been a number of articles in the local and National Press which we will shortly be placing on our web site under a new section called Press cuttings. Once this is available I will inform you.
We would also like to take this opportunity to ask that if interpreters are aware of any court cases which have been postponed due to the new arrangements to inform us by e-mailing as we are endeavouring to collate this information together.
Finally we are also in discussion with a PR Consultant in order to improve our response to the ongoing situation.
We are aware that this is a time of great concern for our registrants and we would like to thank you for your continued support.